
lunedì 27 settembre 2010


Cervo is absoloutly the best place where you can relax before an intense fashion week.
Chilling out on the balcony overlooking the sunset, sunbathing on the rocks, going scubadiving, cooking, reading, painting, listening to the music and forgetting your daily routine.
Sometimes it's just nice to feel like being cut out from the rest of the world!

sabato 4 settembre 2010


Trip in Sevilla:chilling out in typical spanish tapas bars and visiting beautiful and old architectual buildings.

Tarifa, surfers' paradise.
Sunbathe all day long, swim in the waved cold ocean, watch kitesurfs&windsurfs, live a hippie life and have dinner in "pescaderias" where just fished fish was served...this was Tarifa!

sabato 3 luglio 2010

Balenciaga goes through a battle.

I'm totally in love with Balenciaga style! Nicholas has always this very futuristic outlook. The shapes, the volumes, the cut, the fabrics are perfectly disigned. The architecture of clothes and accessories is the expression of a new vision of fashion which doesn't make people dream but stay in this reality, struggling, in a sort of a fight, against eachother.
Shoes turn into fascinating war machines ready to attach, destroy. Leather, wood, plastic and great colour contrasts reproduce its perfect engine.

domenica 27 giugno 2010

It's time for sunglasses!

Summer has's time to buy sunglasses!

Sunglasses and glasses are one of my many obessions. Every year I must buy a new pair otherwise I feel sick. I like comparing the choice of sunglasses to a fight. When I have to choose one of them I always struggle with my instincs. How can I renonce to all those beautiful shapes and colours that are looking at me from their shelves? I would love to buy ALL of them!!

Usually I buy my sunglasses in one shop in the city where I live, Torino. It's called Fulcheri and the owner, as the shopassisants, are always ready to satisfy my wishes. They're very kind and patient as well. In fact they're always ready to calm me down during my moments of indecision and madness. I take at least 2hours to buy a new pair of sunglasses(unless I have already the idea of what I want).
Therefore I enter in the shop, I sit down and I kindly ask to show me some shapes. In the exact moment I make my demand a new world comes out.
From my chair I can only see a big wooden dresser with hundred little closed drawers. I feel as excited and impatient as a little girl who's waiting to unwrap the biggest birthday present.
Few seconds and the shopassistant starts opening all the drawers, taking out glasses of every shape, colour and fabric. My eyes sparkles and my hands kindly caress those beautiful pieces of art. How wonderful they are!
I handle them as they were a prescious treasure and wear them taking attention to how they look on me. In fact it's very important to pay attetion to how glasses may look with your face shape. Sometimes they look amazing on the shelf, then, when you wear them, they mix with your face shape, changing their look and loosing all their allure. This kind of sitaution make me feel so sad and angry. Furthermore I even get much angrier when I have to choose just ONE pair between all those which are laying on the velvet table. So that I start panickingAt the end I always come out with the perfect choice thanks to my mum and the owner suggestions as well.

Nevertheless, my glasses and sunglasses are always extravagant. I don't like the linear and common shapes and the ordinary colours, I'd get very bored. I have one life and I wanna have fun, fashion always offers the best to express your real soul. I love my eccentric periods..they mean freedom!
I have many extravagant sunglasses but my favourite are Butterfly by Prada.
They're white, big and have pink lens. When they first came out people were truely shocked to see me wearing them.
I remember I was in Spain that summer and during my afternoon walks on the beach every single person turned at the same time and stared at me as I was an alien. Someone laughted, others were amazed by them. It was so fun to see their reactions. I felt like I was in a commercial..the atmosphere was that one!

sabato 26 giugno 2010

Today I feel like a doll.

This morning I woke up and wanted to get dressed as a doll. Dolls always fascinated me since I was a child. They hide something mysterious behind their big glass eyes and their sweet smile.
When I was little I played with them during my spare time. Nevertheless the thing I always loved was to become one of that beautiful dolls which were lying in my library. I was impressed by the clothes they were wearing: coloured velvet balloon skirts, frufru dress full of volants and embroideries, silk high heels shoes, sparkling jewels, gloves and big hats with feathers and paiettes. Their hair looked flawless, maybe too much, and their skin was light and transparent...they were perfect!

I've always been trying to find that perfection but it has never showed up. Does it exist? I really feel like..MIU MIU! I love how Miuccia Prada manages to give this touch of "doll-perfect-aristocracy-style"in her collections.

Because of her unique way to find the greatest fabrics and dreamlike silhuettes, she's one my favourite fashion designer. Moreover she has this great power: everytime I wait for her fashion shows I feel butterflies in my stomach. Soft and light clothes make models walking in a timeless and spaceless fairytale where everything looks perfect and precious as the dolls of my dreams.

Sweds do it best.

Uppsala och Oregrund, August 2009.

Sweden, I miss you.

When I think about Sweden I often get melancholic. It's such a great country. The landscape is dream-like and you get lost in the beauty of nature. Endless green fields and woods stretch all around and raspberry,blueberry bushes grow up everywhere waiting someone to pick them up.
I always though that swedes were kind of pixies(even though rightnow I call them"furbies"for the furbie-toy-funny-accent they have). They take care of nature as a child and they melt with it in such a beautiful mix.
Sweden is's such a peaceful land and it welcomes you as part of that country. It makes you love it so much!

lunedì 14 giugno 2010

Dentro gli spazi museali.

La scelta dell'argomento che ho voluto affrontare nella mia tesina di maturità nasce, in primo luogo, da un grande interesse dimostrato nei confronti dell'arte ed in particolar modo, della pittura, dell'architettura e della moda, un mondo che mi ha affascinato fin dalla più tenera età, ma anche una passione che vorrei approfondire durante i miei futuri studi universitari.

Pertanto, ho deciso di prendere in esame l'ambiente museale, luogo in cui a mio avviso, si concretizza il rapporto fruitore- opera d'arte suscitando interesse, fascino ed emozioni. "Dentro gli spazi museali" non si pone solo l'obiettivo di descrivere il mutamento dell'impianto museale e della propria funzione dalla bottega artistica al museo itinerante, ma anche l'analisi di spazi museali ed espositivi, nella progettazione e nell'allestimento di mostre, nello studio e nella soluzione dei problemi che la collocazione e l'ambiente di ogni opera d'arte presenta.
Mia intenzione è stata, inoltre, di soffermarmi sul museo itinerante ed, in particolar modo, sul
progetto della Chanel Mobile Art ideato e realizzato dallo stilista Karl Lagerfeld e dall' architetto e designer irachena Zaha Hadid.
Il motivo di questa preferenza è dovuto al fascino, all'interesse e all'importanza che la tecnologia ha nella mia vita e dall'idea, a mio avviso geniale, della costruzione di un concept: un'esperienza sensoriale tra eleganza, moda e arte, da dislocare di città in città assumendo una nuova funzione in base al luogo in cui si trova.

Infine, leggendo il libro"Dialettica dell'illuminismo" di Theodor W. Adorno e Max Horkheimer ho individuato i caratteri principali della socializzazione dell'arte e l'importanza dell'industria culturale in una società di massa.

giovedì 10 giugno 2010

Le déséspoir dans le temps.

Cette photo a été prise par Steven Meisel et pubbliée sur le n°696 de Vogue Italia, Aout 2008.
Elle fait partie du service photographe "Silent" auquel on aussi partecipé l' icone Linda Evangelista et les modeles GuinevereVan Seenus et Karen Elson.

J'ai adoré cette photo dès la première fois que je l'ai vue grace a sa grande composante émotionelle et son patòs.
Cette douleur est tellement grande qu'elle permet la participation émotive de l'observateur qui devient partie de ce déséspoir.
Le bouleversement de cette mort est tellement ravageur qu'il rend ces femmes non seulement désarmées, mais aussi seules et aliéneées du monde environnant, de la réalité.
Le mystère émané par ces femmes est très intéressant: elles s'affalent sur une pierre tombale couverte de feuilles et d'herbe pour plaindre la mort d'une personne chère.
Elles sont toutes ensamble et elles ne se réconfortent pas mutuellement en montrant, ainsi, une grande solitude. Il y a aussi une volonté du photographe de raprésenter la composante divine à coté de celle humaine durant les moments de douleur.
J'ai aimé comme cettes belles femmes sont habillées, d'une façon très élégante avec des robes noires en gabardine de soie, des chapeaux à voile, des gants et des chaussures à talon haut.
Les bijoux, comme les vetements sont très luxeux, précieux et raffinés, ils confèrent aux femmes une touche de classe et charme aristocrat.

J'ai trouvé approprié faire une comparison avec le célèbre paintre italien Botticelli, mais plus en particulier avec son tableau "Compianto su Cristo morto" (1495).

Malgré l'évidente distance entre les deux époques et la différence des techniques utilisés, on trouve beaucoup d' analogies avec la photo de Steven Meisel à propos de la douleur. En effet on sentrouve en face à des femmes inconsolables, caractérisées par une douleur sans temps et sans lieux, éternelle. Le patetisme prononcé, mais vraissemblable, est exprimé par les gestes du déséspoir(femmes au visage couvert) et dans les formes du corps lourd de douleur.
La souffrance criée, les expressions chargées de patòs, la torsion de corps, le supplice psycologique fait identifier l'observateur dans l'event terriblement tragique et comprendre son significat.
Mais si dans le tableau de Botticelli il y une présence masculine réconfortent les femmes, peut-etre que Meisel cosidère ces hommes des éléments perturbateurs (à la facon de Gauguin), distructeurs d'un moment intime comme la mort. Donc les femmes sont laissé à leur meme comme s'elles étaient abandonnés et oubliées de monde entier, de l'humanité et meme, ou presque, de Dieu.